honey1.txt CHAPTER 1 I guess I can't even remember when I wasn't horny. I have always been sexually oriented from my earliest memories. I can remember from when I was about seven or eight one time that my uncle Mark was over on a Sunday dinner to our home in West Texas and he had been showing off about how strong he was by making me hold my arms at my sides with my elbows stiff and he would hold onto my elbows only and raise me off the floor. We had been playing like that after supper that late afternoon and for some reason that I can't remember now, I wasn't wearing my panties. I used to wear cotton panties then. You know, the kind with the double thick crotch and little elastic around the waist and the legs too. Like I said, I don't remember why I wasn't wearing my panties then because I always did then, and if my mother had caught me not wearing pants she would have blistered my bottom for sure! Anyway, we had been playing out on the scrubby lawn in back of with me by lifting me up by the elbows several times and then he lifted me and swung me around and had me sitting piggy back on his shoulders with my legs over his chest. Uncle Mark was my father's brother. My father had been killed in a railroad accident when I was about four and I don't even remember him at all but my uncle Mark I had always known. He was a big man and very brown from the Texas sun and working outdoors reading meters for the gas company. My mother worked in the small town I grew up in as a waitress in a really dingy cafe. Both my older brother Bobby Joe who had a paper route and my older sister Edith who worked after school in the sweet shop helping out as a sales girl and cleaned up the place were home that sunday. Bobby Joe must have been about fifteen then and Edith was about seventeen. Anyway, there I was, perched on his shoulders, my bare little pussy pressing against his big sweaty neck in the back and me with no pants on at all and only a cotton dress. It didn't take any time at all with my uncle Mark galloping around the lawn with me on his back until I felt the very first rising of my passions. My naked little pussy and the sliding around on his neck were enough to make me cum. Or at least I think I did. It is hard to remember but I think that was the very first time I did. No body knew it but me. I think now when I think back that maybe my uncle Mark knew it too because we had been playing pretty rough and he could have easily noticed that my ass was bare when my dress flipped up. That may even have been the reason that he put me on his back. I found out later he really was a dirty old man but I guess all men are when it comes to sex. I think now that he knew I didn't have any panties on and wanted to feel my bare little hairless pussy against the back of his neck! Anyway, that's what I remember about the first time I think I came. When my dad had been killed the railroad gave my mother a pension. It wasn't much but we weren't broke all the time and we ate good. Of course we lived outside town and had a garden and usually had a cow and a couple of pigs and some chickens and raised some of our owm food. When I was ten or eleven my sister went to Austin to college and only came home on the weekends and my brother and I lived with mom. We only had a two bedroom house so Bobby Joe and I shared the same bedroom with bunk beds and I had the top one. My mother had the other bedroom and my uncle Mark used to stay overnight with her in her bedroom and sometimes she had a boyfriend for a while and who ever he was at the time would also stay overnight. There weren't any explanations at all and we all just accepted it that way. In fact now that I think back on it, if we had wondered aloud about mom's overnight guests she probably would have paddled our butts, or used a switch on our legs. She didn't take any of our nonsense at all, ever! The next thing that I really remember was about that time when I was ten or eleven and I still hadn't developed yet. I had nipples that had started to grow and just the slightest swelling of the start of my tits, and a covering of soft down on my pussy but I was still a girl, not a woman. I think that it was around this time in my life when I started to develope an intense interest in sex and everything connected with sex. I remember reading books to find out what people did when they had sex and asking all my friends what they knew about it. It was one of the topics of conversation between all my girl friends at school and also one of the topics where a multitude of mis-information flourished! I can't believe even know the total ignorance we had about how men and women made love together! It's not easy to get correct information. I couldn't ask my mother and I didn't have a father. One night around this time, I woke up in the top bunk of the bunk beds with the bed shaking. I lay awake staring at the ceiling for a while wondering what caused the shaking and then suddenly it came to me what was happening. I don't know how I knew but I knew! Bobby Joe was in the lower bunk and he was jerking off his cock! I knew it was true without even looking. I could feel the rhythmic vibrations of the bunk bed and hear the heavy breathing as he was jerking on his cock. Pretty soon the vibrations were faster and faster and then the bed was still and a deep sigh came from below me. I knew then that he had cum. That was exciting! Just listening to the movements and using my imagination about what he must have been doing. I knew he read Playboy Magazine and had some old copies in our room in the bottom drawer of his dresser. There isn't anything you can hide from a ten year old sister! I dropped off to sleep with my finger caressing my little slit trying to imagine what it would be like to have a man in there. During the next few weeks I was awakened several times by my brother whacking away at night. It got so that even though I went to bed before him that the movement of the bed would almost always wake me and I would lay there touching myself and listening to his breathing. One saturday when I was cleaning our room because my mother said that if I didn't clean the place she would restrict me to staying home all weekend, I started looking for one of my brother's playboy magazines in his bottom drawer and found some pictures and some stories that were written on typewriter paper and were quite obviously carbon copies of some dirty stories. It wasn't long until I was in the bathroom sitting on the toilet and reading all of the stories and looking at the pictures too. The pictures were the best. Some of men and women and some of women only but everything showed! There were pictures of men getting sucked on by a woman and I think that this must have been the first time I ever heard about getting head. It was very exciting and I sat on the toilet rubbing myself and reading stories and looking at pictures until my mother pounded on the locked bathroom door and told me to get my room cleaned or else! It was when I was cleaning the mirror on my dresser with Windex that I got the idea. I was looking at the mirror and I found that if I tilted it right that I could see my brother's bed. Within minutes I had the mirror tilted slightly and after climbing the short ladder to my bunk, found that I could look into the mirror and see into my brother's bunk! I couldn't wait to go to bed that night! It was Saturday night and I think my mother was shocked when even though I could have stayed up late, I went to bed early. I can remember laying in my bunk, looking at my brother's empty bed and wishing he would come to bed and whack off so I could watch. I even experimented until I found that if I would lay on my side I could see his bunk clearly. When finally I heard him coming to bed, I closed my eyes and pretended to be fast asleep while I watched him take off his jeans and shirt and climb into bed with his undershorts on. I saw him reach under his mattress and bring out a small book. He turned on the reading light he had at the head board of his bed and started reading. I kept watching and I could see the covers over his shorts rising into a bump. I could see his hand going down to his cock under the covers and then the bed move as he pulled his shorts off under the covers. It wasn't long before he had the covers thrown back and I saw a male cock in full erection for the very first time. My brother was about fifteen or sixteen at the time and had a pretty good sized organ for his age and I watched him fondle and move it around as he read his book and pretty soon he was shaking the bed again and finally I saw the juice shoot out the bulbous end of his cock and splatter all over his stomach and chest. Let me tell you, that was exciting. I think that also planted the seeds of voyeurism in me. The idea of being able to watch and not have anyone know I was watching has stayed with me ever since then. Anyway, I remember watching my brother jack off many times after that but I always pretended to be sleeping and he never knew that I watched and liked what I saw. It must have been about two years later that I saw people fucking for the first time. I think I was about fourteen or fifteen because my brother was in Austin at college and I had the room all to myself except when he came home on the weekends or when my sister came to stay a day or two and used his bunk when he wasn't home. If all three of us were there Edith and I shared the same bunk and Bobby Joe slept in the lower bunk as always. My uncle Mark still came and spent the night with mom occasionally and I was cleaning my closet when I heard them in their bedroom through the thin wall of the closet. The house had been built during the depression and wasn't much for insulation. The outside was clapboard and the inside was not much more than wallpaper on cardboard I think. Anyway, I put my ear to the wall in my closet and I could clearly hear their conversation even though they were talking very low. Later that day I took an ice pick from the kitchen drawer and poked a hole in the wall of my closet. Putting my eye to the hole I found that I was looking at a coat hanging in my mother's closet of her bedroom. It didn't take me long to offer to clean her closet too. She should have had a stroke with me offering to work, but she was glad that I did. It didn't take long to re-arrange her clothes hanging on the dowel and when I had finished cleaning her closet I had poked two more holes at different places so that I would be able to see into her bedroom from inside my closet. Again I could hardly wait for evening. My uncle Mark was over for dinner and he kept telling me how pretty and grown up I was and teasing me about boyfriends and embarrassing me. I had grown up. My figure was pretty good even then. I had long hair then and my breasts had swelled out until I was wearing a B cup bra and I had curly hair on my pussy. I do remember that night I again went without panties and during dinner while the three of us ate I kept putting a finger under my dress on my pussy under the table and feeling the moistness and soft ringlets of hair. Not really finger fucking myself at the table, but I was coming very close. I remember being very daring that night and I was very turned on and I do remember twirling around once outside with my uncle Mark watching me and knowing that my skirt went high enough so that he would know that I didn't have my panties on. I had graduated by then to wearing nylon tricot panties but that night I was bare as can be under my skirt. I even teased him and sat on his lap on the porch swing for a little while and put my arms around him and kissed him and told him he was my favorite uncle. That was always a joke between us because he was my only uncle. I even imagined that I could feel his cock swelling under my bare ass as I squirmed on his lap, but that may have been wishful thinking of a fifteen year old. Anyway, back to my story. When I went to bed about nine or so, I undressed and put on a nightgown and peeked at the holes in my closet but the bedroom was empty then. It was a long time, maybe an hour or so until my mother and uncle Mark went to bed. I remember watching them get undressed and the getting into bed him on one side and my mother on the other. I had my eye glued to the hole and it didn't take long until they were kissing under the covers and rolling around a little and before long he had thrown off the covers and was kneeling between my mothers fat thighs and was fucking her like crazy. I couldn't see his cock but I remember seeing my mother's cunt and remember how much hair she had between her legs. I could see his balls though, swinging between my mother's spread legs and how she would hump up at him occasionally. As you might have guessed by now, my finger was slipping around on my clit like crazy and after they were down fucking and I was in bed, I masturbated several times until I went to sleep from exhaustion. And that's a wonderful way to drop off to sleep when you have had so much sex that you just can't keep your eyes open anymore. It doesn't matter that I didn't have a man, it only mattered that I came until I was exhausted and I went to sleep with visions of sweaty bodies humping away at each other. I watched many times in the next two years, my mother with several of her friends in bed. I saw most of the ways that men and women can meke love in those steaming nights in my closet with my nightgown at my waist and my eye glued to one of the holes in the back of the closet. I had just turned sixteen about a month and I had a boyfriend who was co-captain of the football team. That was big stuff then even though my high school was pretty small and I was on the cheerleader squad and the assistant editor of the school newspaper and also a member of the Beta Gamma's which was the honor society. I still wore my hair long then and my figure had filled out even more. I wore the same C cup I do now and my figure was about the same except maybe I now have another inch on my tummy and my hips. I was popular in school and was still just as interested in sex as ever, even though I was still a virgin then. My boyfriends name was Tom and we were so much in love. We used to make excuses to get out and park somewhere in his corvette and feel each other up and kiss until our lips were sore. We were parked at the airport one night which was a great place because there was never anyone there and the parking place we used to move the car to was gravel and you could hear someone walking on it for minutes before they could get close enough to see what we were doing. The police used to come by once in a while but we could always either see or hear them in plenty of time to be just sitting and waiting for an airplane to take off or land and they never really bothered us much. Tom and I had been going steady for a few months and on that night he had started to put his hand on my breasts and he asked me to take my bra off so he could kiss them. I had let him feel me but never my bare tits until this night. I was reckless and very excited and I let him unbutton my dress and then open my bra. I remember how long it took him to figure out the clasp at the back and how I wouldn't help him and how long he fumbled until my bra came loose. It didn't take him long then to have my tits in his hands and my nipples must have been standing out a mile. There I was with my dress unbuttoned to the waist, my bra hanging from my shoulders in front and my tits quivering in his hands. I will tell you that I was so hot I was panting when he started sucking on my nipples. The feeling was wonderful. So much better that when I fondled myself that I was in heaven. I was laying partly back in the bucket seat, Tom sucking away like crazy on my tits and I guess I just forgot what I was doing because it didn't take long for my hand to pull the skirt of my dress up. I guess all that watching my mother and my uncle or one of my mother's friends fucking in the bedroom and me with my hand in my pussy that old habits just took over. Anyway, I pulled my skirt up and while Tom sucked on my tits and fondled them, I had my fingers under my panties and was sliding my finger up and down my slit when we heard a car coming and we jumped and started to button up again. Tom saw that I had my finger on my cunt when we jumped. The police didn't even stop but just took a slow turn through the parking lot at the airport, but I never got my brassiere fastened and I know I must have looked funny with the stupid thing just hanging under my dress. While we were driving to my house later Tom told me he had seen me with my finger in my pussy and next time we parked he wanted to have his finger in there instead. Let me tell you I think I came right in the front seat of his corvette when he said that. It must have been a week though until we were able to get into the parking lot again. It was a beautiful moon that night, not full but almost full. Very romantic! And I was very very hot and excited too. I wore my very best pair of panties and I almost couldn't wait to get them pulled down. We had gone to a movie in town and even left before it was over to go and park and fool around so it sure wasn't long before we were in the middle of the gravel parking lot with the top down and Tom discovered very quickly that I had neglected to wear a brassiere. That was the very first time in my life that I had a male cock in my hand! By the time I had my dress unbuttoned and his lips sucking my tits, I had started getting bolder and I had my hand at the front of his levi's and felt the big bulge there and how very hard that it was. Pretty soon I made him stop sucking my nipples and feeling on my tits and I got very bold and daring and I whispered to him. "Honey, I want to touch you down there. Sit back and let me." He was sprawled out in a second and it took me a long time to learn how to open buttons on tight Levi's. I had one hell of a fight getting the damn things open with all the pressure from below and the tight jeans too. I will never forget the very first time I had his cock in my hand. I had to move my hand in unfamiliar surroundings trying to find the opening in the fly of his jockey shorts and even finding the opening there were problems. Ever try to bend the unbendable and get it out though an opening that was only designed to get through when it was soft? After a while of struggling to get it out, I finally just started tugging on his tight jeans and got them loose enough and far enough down his legs that I could pull his shorts down and his lovely rod just kind of jumped free. The thrill of having that moist cock in my hand for the first time. The excitement of running my fingers over the length and feeling the soft skin and the bumps and ridges and cords standing out from it. The ecstasy of moving the skin at the top and discovering how easy it unpealed the delicious looking knob at the end. Even in the dim light of the moon I could see a drop of slippery juice welling out of the hole in the tip of the end of his cock and I remember taking great delight touching and smearing that slippery juice over the head and seeing how shiny it became with the increase of wetness. I used the same deft touch on his cock that I had watched my brother use on his own cock so many times when I had watched through half closed eyes while he had whacked off his hard dick until he sqirted his load on his stomach. Tom was squirming around now, and my fingers tightly closed on his cock and running up and down the shaft while my other hand explored the soft skin on his hairy testicles was getting both of us so very hot that when he started moaning and I felt his hips lift off the seat, I bent down and did what I had seen my mother do so many times. I grasped his cock firmly and my lips slipped over the moist head. I was in heaven. He tasted warm and sultry and the pulsing of his cock transmitted itself to my eager lips. He stiffened, his body trembled and for the first time I felt the squirting of male seed into my eager lips. The flavor was divine, the amount astounding. He kept on pulsing, his cock almost squirming between my eager hot lips and the juices cascaded from him to me. I guess I was one of the lucky ones that discovered that swallowing hot cum the very first time I tried was wonderful and I have never been one to spit out what ever a nice guy was eager enough to shoot into my mouth. It was like chewing into the first bite of a succulant steak and having your mouth fill with saliva. The very same feeling as I felt the flooding of his hot sperm filling my eager mouth. He lay still as I raised and sat back on the seat. I do remember hitting my head on the steering wheel when he came and I rubbed the spot while my other hand held his prick, feeling is shrink and soften in my fingers like a wounded bird. I idly moved the skin, milking him and feeling the excess fluid slowly oozing as his cock lost it's rigidity and became soft and floppy again. It was wonderful feeling the power that I had to change him from hard and urgent to relaxed and dozing on the seat next to me. I think he slept for a few minutes while I sat there looking at the almost full moon, skirt high on my legs, my finger toying in the moist slit between my thighs. I guess a lot of girl's first experience with direct sex has been by giving a blow job...